Retirement Planning
A comprehensive course designed to equip the participants with the knowledge, skills and experiences necessary to empower them to plan, save and invest in order to keep active, engaged and productive in retirement. The information presented is based on the current research and real-world experiences.
The course is intended for any one working or retired and deals with the three most important issues many millions of people face when they retire: managing finances essential for self-sustenance in retirement, fostering an active and productive life in retirement; and building/managing essential relationships in retirement.
This course provides a remarkable learning experiences that can completely change your retirement perspective.
Course Coverage
The course illustrates retirement and its relevancy, deals with what “Work Provides” Principle, the dynamic fast changing retirement environment, preparing for change and transition, the financial perspective of retirement, how to foster an active, productive and social retirement life, the retirement phases and common retirement mistakes to avoid and post-retirement health and fitness issues.
Course delivery approaches/methods
The course is facilitated by professionals, experts and experienced persons. It is an in depth 5-day loaded with guides, tools, real-life case stories and study materials.
Expected outcomes
Course participants will be able to:
- Develop awareness about the importance of early retirement planning.
- Acquire requisite retirement planning knowledge and skills essential for a better retirement life.
- Plan early and effectively implement retirement strategies.
- Learn and adopt managing change and transition in preparation and during retirement.
- Develop and implement appropriate financial strategies.
- Learn and adopt an active, engaged and productive life-style.